CrossFit and Staying More Centered

How joining a CrossFit gym, prioritizing health and fitness helps us stay centered. Lessons learned from the gym.
Joel Stacey
February 14, 2024
CrossFit and Staying More Centered

Most of us started our fitness and health journey because of some sort of goal. For example, "I want to lose weight", "get stronger", "feel better in my own skin" and so on, however, in reflecting on my own personal journey in the pursuit of fitness and health through CrossFit. I have learned so much more than just how to pick things up and put them down. One of the things I have learned is how to stay centered or only worry about things I can control. One of the reasons I fell in love with CrossFit was because the workouts were different every day. Initially, I just thought the variance was great and it will fight the boredom. After reflecting on the last 10 years of doing CrossFit I realize that every day being unique has taught me so much more. I'll try and explain further.

Years ago fresh out of college I got my first sales job. I was good at it. I was very intense, driven, and tenacious. Nothing would stop me from getting the next sale. It fed my competitive side. The problem was when something did not go just right, I would fly off the handle. For example, one day on my way to an appointment I got cut off in traffic and had to stop for a red light. Well, this just threw me into a tizzy, the light turned green, caught up to the guy, rolled down my window said a few choice words, he said a few choice words to me. Luckily we both calmed down and went our separate ways. Other examples include breaking phones when a phone call didn't go as planned, getting angry with support staff, and breaking tools (I broke a lot of stuff). Anyway, you get the point. It didn't take much to go wrong and I was flying off the handle. The problem was, I was no longer a middle linebacker. I couldn't just flip the switch anymore and play angry. I knew I had to level out the hills and valleys. So, what's the solution? How can we live a fulfilled life if we are always getting knocked off of our center?

Well, first read your bible. Do this first thing in the morning. It's doesn't have to be hard. Just pick a book and start reading. Fifteen to twenty minutes is plenty. Sometimes the chapter goes by quickly and only need ten minutes. The point is, that doing this first helps set the tone for the day. There are plenty of apps where you can read on your phone. They also have plans you can follow making it super easy. Once you get into it, you will find you have favorite uplifting chapters. You have a difficult day in front of you? Circle back and read one of those to set the tone.

Second, join a CrossFit gym. CrossFit teaches you to prepare for the unknown and the unknowable. Those lessons can be very valuable in other areas of your life. For example, the workouts are always changing, the workout may not go as planned, it may be hot, cold, rainy, or sunny, 30 people in class, 1 person in class, your favorite pull-up bar is taken, you miss a lift you hit a week ago, and so on. In CrossFit none of that matters we still do the work that is laid out in front of us. We cannot control any of those things. We can control how we pick up the barbell, how we run 400M repeats, 24 calories on the Echo Bike, and using a different pull up bar may do us some good. It's not always going to be a perfect scenario for us.

So, how do you keep the wheels from falling off? How do you enjoy the wins, but also manage the losses? I have found the best way is to recognize what event, or situation triggered those feelings of a win or loss. Please note, that I am not saying you cannot experience those feelings and be some sort of robot. It's important to experience them, however, we must also recognize the trigger and be able to work through the feelings so that next time we can even out and keep moving forward.

One way to do this is by using visualization, both positive and negative. The positive is easy, the negative not so much. Elite athletes use this techique when they compete to give themselves an edge. We can use it as well, and I suggest working on it in the gym before using in real-life situations. Doing so, will automatically carry over to real life. Let's look at an example: The workout Nancy (my least favorite) 5 rounds for time of 400M run and 15 Overhead Squats at 95/65. Below you will find how I visualize for Nancy.

You get the point. I could make this list extremely long. However, here is how my mind works. Hitting a PR is awesome, recognize and celebrate the win, but tomorrow is coming. For the negative visualization, recognize that you can't control what happens, also Coach is trying to make me better. Put in the effort and you may surprise yourself. There's no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing choices so prepare. If I have to share a barbell, maybe I can help another athlete have a good workout. Amazing what happens when we put others first.

Tips for you to get started. Take it small at first. Small wins and small setbacks are easier to overcome. Just like in our fitness. We do not load the bar up with 500lbs hoping to deadlift it without training for it first. The same saying, looks good, feels good add some weight plays true with staying centered. Plus we cannot possibly think of all situations. So start with what you know, and visualize both a positive and negative outcome. Recognize how that makes you feel, and how you are going to move forward. Then before you know it, that guy cuts you off in traffic is no big deal.

Anyway, I have rambled on long enough. I hope this helps you recognize that what we do in here has so much more value than looking good in the mirror. That's just a side benefit. :)

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